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Fire technology and equipment, small knowledge points

The author:Zhejiang Hengsheng Fire Equipment Co. Ltd.i Keywords for this article: Date:2017/2/6 12:47:01 Popularity:4

(A) the use of guide rope, what is the specification? How to use it safely? The guide rope is mainly used for firefighters to enter the smoke or less visibility and terrain, the complex structure of the dangerous area, to master the offensive, withdrawal direction or contact with the outside of the rope, including the team with guide rope and personal guide rope. The length of the guide string for the team is 60 meters (which can be determined as appropriate.) The rope is marked with a set of sagging rope at every 3 meters. The knotted rope (length 50 mm) indicates the direction of entering the field. The long rope head (length 100 mm) indicates the direction of withdrawal from the scene. The length of the individual guide cord is 6 meters. Before use, must be firmly connected to the various connection points, keep in mind the direction of entry and withdrawal of the rope head signs (according to the need for supporting the use of other protective equipment). (B) what is the use and use of the retarder? Slow down for firefighters or other personnel from the height of slow down life-saving. Can be repeated use, continuous rescue. By the hook or rings, speed controller, lifeboat and safety rope and other components. When used, the safety rope at one end of the life-saving belt in the armored under the rescue, the other end fixed in the window or balcony near the object can be. Its shape was round drum, weighing 2.7 kg, the length of up to 30 meters.

(C) Insulation shears, insulated gloves and insulated boots how to use?

Fire with the insulation for the firefighters in the fight when the fire cut off the wire, cut off the power supply, there are large, small two. Insulated gloves are rubber products and latex products, two sub-12KV and 5KV two, mainly for the operation of high and low voltage power equipment to wear. 12KV insulated gloves in the use of voltage above 1KV for auxiliary safety equipment, 1KV below for the basic safety equipment; 5KV insulated gloves in the use of voltage above 1KV prohibit the use of 1KV below for auxiliary safety equipment, 0.25KV for basic safety equipment. Insulated boots are used to maintain insulation with the auxiliary safety equipment, but also to protect the step voltage of the basic safety equipment.

(D) how to classify the fire pump?

(1) by use and with the object points:

① car fire pump (installed in the fire truck chassis).

② hand lift the mobile fire pump (which can be moved by maneuver).

③ fixed fire pump (fixed to the building inside and outside, for the fixed fire extinguishing system or other fire facilities).

④ traction fire pump (available manpower or motor vehicle traction).

⑤ marine fire pump (installed on ships and fire boats).

⑥ agricultural fire pump (with tractors and other agricultural power machinery, can be used for farmland irrigation and drainage, can also be used for rural fire fighting).

(2) by the delivery of the media points:

① fire pump (mainly used for conveying water or water and foam mixture).

② foam pump (mainly used for conveying foam solution).

③ Diversion pump (mainly as a subsidiary of centrifugal fire pump, used to remove the water pump and suction pipe to form a vacuum and water).

(3) according to its export pressure points:

① normal pressure fire pump. The outlet pressure is less than or equal to 16 x 105 Pa.

② medium pressure fire pump. The outlet pressure is greater than 16 x 105 Pa, less than or equal to 25 x 105 Pa.

③ high pressure fire pump. The outlet pressure is greater than 25 x 105 Pa.

④ low pressure fire pump. The outlet pressure has both the pressure of the atmospheric pressure fire pump and the pressure of the medium pressure fire pump.

⑤ high and low pressure fire pump. The outlet pressure not only has the pressure of the normal pressure fire pump, but also has the pressure of the high pressure fire pump.

(5) What is a centrifugal pump? What parts does it consist of? Why do you want to install a water diversion device on a centrifugal pump?

Centrifugal pump is the role of centrifugal force to transport liquid hydraulic machinery. There are three single-stage centrifugal fire pump, two-stage centrifugal fire pump and centrifugal whirlpool fire pump. Centrifugal pump by the impeller, pump shaft, pump shell (front and rear cover), suction pipe, outlet pipe and shaft seal and other components.

Because the centrifugal pump work is necessary to first pump the water filled. Start, the first to discharge the air, and then to absorb the water, but the air quality is much smaller than the water, the impeller driven by the air rotation of the centrifugal force generated by rotation than the centrifugal force generated by much smaller. The smaller the centrifugal force, the smaller the pressure difference between the impeller center and the outer edge of the pump, and the insufficient water to rise to the center of the impeller. Therefore, the fire truck in the centrifugal pump are equipped with water diversion device (vacuum pump).

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